Mrs. Avila likes Target, Amazon, In-n-Out, Starbucks, gerber daisies, sweet/sour candies, trail mix, popcorn, Halloween, Christmas, Dodgers, and Starbucks vanilla bean Frappuccino w/caramel drizzle no whipped cream!

Ms. Williams – likes dark chocolate peanut butter cups and sour patch kids and a tasty vegetarian sandwich. She likes Trader Joe’s or Target. 

Ms. Worsham likes playing instruments, seafood, mexican food, chips, plums, colors purple & blue and Christmas!

Ms. Mejia likes plants, flowers and especially orchids, any kind coffee & pastry, and she loves to bake! She also likes any type of home decor!

Miss Debbie likes cheese popcorn, trail bars, succulents, In-n-Out, Trader Joe’s, Amazon, Target, and Starbucks Matcha Creme Frappuccino Blended w/whipped cream!

Miss Robin likes Amazon, Target, Starbucks, Wendy’s, succulents, popcorn, crackers, Halloween, Angels baseball, and Starbucks Soy Latte!

Miss Rose likes Bath & Body Works, Amazon, In-n-Out, Chick-fil-A, sunflowers, dark chocolate, mint chocolate, crackers, cashews, Christmas, tennis, and Starbucks chocolate chip frappuccino!